Self-Assessment and Emotions in the Initial Education of Physical Education Teachers

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Alberto Moreno D.
Carmen Trigueros C.
Enrique Rivera G.


Qualitative study that analyzes the perceptions of students participating in the project "Democratization of the University class: educating teachers, educating people", carried out by professors in the area of body expression in the Department of musical, plastic and body expression, at the University of Granada, Spain, in relation to the self-assessment process this study proposes. We analyze the discourse of 49 participants, male and female, with different levels of participation. Interviews in depth and written essays were used. There was a content analysis of the generated information (once it was transcribed) with the support of the software Atlas ti 5.0. In general, the analysis procedures were focused on the fragmentation and articulation proposals of the "Grounded theory". The conclusion is that the emotion, understood as the action of accepting one another as legitimate in the coexistence, has been the base of the self-assessment, as it has encouraged an active, responsible, and ethical participation in that assessment.


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How to Cite
Moreno D., A., Trigueros C., C., & Rivera G., E. (2018). Self-Assessment and Emotions in the Initial Education of Physical Education Teachers. Pedagogical Studies, 39(1), 165–177.