Education of the bodies: a critique of social reproduction and of potential of its transformation in Physical Education

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Emiliano Matías Gambarotta
Eduardo Lautaro Galak


This paper aims to analyze key mechanisms of social order reproduction, specifically in Physical Education; an issue that also involves thinking about education in general and on modern society. In this sense, we focus on the Argentinian case, questioning what Bourdieu called the intertwining of nomos and doxa, and the symbolic domination that it produces. This allows us to analyze the ways in which this discipline is conceived and the space it occupies in the curriculum as an instance of control of what could "de-control" the intellectual education; nevertheless, it also permits to see how this produces a "de-control" of that same control. It is by thinking these mechanisms and practicing its criticism, that we can conceive the ways to transform them, and the ways to retrace the paths of its reproduction.


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How to Cite
Gambarotta, E. M., & Galak, E. L. (2018). Education of the bodies: a critique of social reproduction and of potential of its transformation in Physical Education. Pedagogical Studies, 38(Especial), 67–87.