Measuring quality in higher education: analysis of reliability and validity of an undergraduate quality certification scale-student version

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Ismael Gallardo
Juan Sánchez


This research presents data on the reliability and validity of construct (through structural model equations) of the CNA certification scale of educational quality in its student version. The results of two applications show that the instrument has acceptable reliability and that a theoretical model with related dimensions has a better fit of the data in both applications. The values of reliability and validity improve by making a data reduction based on statistical criteria, an improvement that is replicated at both times of measurement. We discuss the implications of these results for measuring the quality of education and provide some reflections and recommendations for future studies.


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How to Cite
Gallardo, I., & Sánchez, J. (2018). Measuring quality in higher education: analysis of reliability and validity of an undergraduate quality certification scale-student version. Pedagogical Studies, 37(2), 109–121.