Collective research in the teacher formation

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Luis Eduardo Alvarado Prada


In this article we present systematized knowledge which, we have been building during approximately two decades, concerning social research, and such process has enabled us to develop theoretical-methodological concepts concerning collective research. In this type of research, we consider as elements of major relevance, concepts and practices of formation-research, construction of the research data and construction of the collectives. The various teacher continuing education projects carried out in education establishments and also in other social groups, have permitted us to build up knowledge from which we put forward some theoretical-methodological presuppositions to be discussed and possibly used in the development of new research epistemologies. As the last one, this text presents some elements which will sitúate the discussion about concepts and practices concerning teacher continuing education and that which we propose as continuing education for in-job teachers.


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How to Cite
Alvarado Prada, L. E. (2018). Collective research in the teacher formation. Pedagogical Studies, 34(1), 157–172.