How can the creation of stories contribute to an inclusive socio-emotional development?

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Pilar Álamos
Oriana Cifuentes
Neva Milicic
Marcelo Pizarro
Ricardo Rosas
Denisse Ulloa
Soledad Véliz


The present article refers to the implementation of a pilot workshop for the promotion of the socio-emotional development of fifth grade students through the creation of narratives with an inclusive content. The workshop comprised 7 sessions lasting 90 minutes, each of which involved collaborative activities oriented towards story creation. A two-phase methodology was used: contents and evaluation tools were developed first, with the workshop being implemented afterwards. Children identified as shy or disruptive by their teachers scored higher in self-esteem tests after the workshop. The overall analyses are not conclusive regarding the global impact of the workshop on socio-emotional development. It should be pointed out that both children and teachers who participated reported high satisfaction levels with the experience. The article also presents a discussion on the potential of the workshop as a significant socio-emotional development experience.

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How to Cite
Álamos, P., Cifuentes, O., Milicic, N., Pizarro, M., Rosas, R., Ulloa, D., & Véliz, S. (2017). How can the creation of stories contribute to an inclusive socio-emotional development?. Pedagogical Studies, 43(1), 7–17.