The role of personal narratives in the context of labour training programs: formative trajectories of INFOCAP Human Development facilitators

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Gonzalo Torres Rosales
María Ignacia Labbé
Joaquín Cortés Valenzuela


In Chile, the labour training programs directed to the first socioeconomic quintiles often serve as a bridge for the formation of young and adult people who, for diverse reasons, couldn't finish their formal studies and/or face job insecurity. The present study focuses on graduates of INFOCAP training programs who play the role of facilitators in the Human Development module at the same institution. Through the use of qualitative methodology, their educational trajectories are approached from their experiences related to formal education, job training and the performance of the teaching role. The results show the importance of the previous and current conditions in the educational process, the dynamism of the definitions in the training space and how personal resignifications can respond to institutional practices.

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How to Cite
Torres Rosales, G., Labbé, M. I., & Cortés Valenzuela, J. (2022). The role of personal narratives in the context of labour training programs: formative trajectories of INFOCAP Human Development facilitators. Pedagogical Studies, 48(1), 51–69.