Teacher Training and Curriculum Management by Competencies: perspectives and challenges in face-to-face teaching and remote education

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Nemecio Núñez Rojas
Lino Jorge Llatas Altamirano
Sandra Cecilia Loaiza Chumacero


This article describes the perspective of basic education teachers regarding the training process and the management of the curriculum by competencies in the educational institutions in which they work and analyzes the relationship between the different components of the curriculum from the perspective of student learning outcomes. The sample of 1664 teachers working in four regions of northern Peru was non-probabilistic of an incidental nature. A survey study was carried out with them, using a data collection scale, and the instrument was subjected to a rigorous process of reliability and validity. A psychometric study of the scale was carried out, as well as a descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The results show a positive correlation between curriculum management and the demands of the training process, as well as a positive relationship between teaching strategies and competence assessment.

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How to Cite
Núñez Rojas, N., Llatas Altamirano, L. J., & Loaiza Chumacero, S. C. (2022). Teacher Training and Curriculum Management by Competencies: perspectives and challenges in face-to-face teaching and remote education. Pedagogical Studies, 48(2), 237–256. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052022000200237