Epistemological beliefs in teachers who postulates to the Program of Accreditation of Pedagogic Excellence: Descriptive and comparative analysis between teachers from different levels of teaching

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Paula Guerra Zamora
Christian Sebastián Balmaceda


Research on teachers has changed its focus toward the processes of thought and reflection developed by them. In this context, the topic of beliefs begins to be an area of interest, considering that exist evidence of its influence in the practices of teachers. The present study describes and compares the epistemological beliefs of teachers of different levels of teaching, using a quantitative methodology with a sample of 1634 teachers who applied for the Program of Assignment of Pedagogic Excellence (AEP). The results show a trend to more complex beliefs relating to learning and to more simplistic beliefs relating to knowledge. Also, there are differences in the dimensions of structure and stability of knowledge. The results are discussed linking them to the Initial Teacher Training and the later continuous training of teachers.

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How to Cite
Guerra Zamora, P., & Sebastián Balmaceda, C. (2018). Epistemological beliefs in teachers who postulates to the Program of Accreditation of Pedagogic Excellence: Descriptive and comparative analysis between teachers from different levels of teaching. Pedagogical Studies, 41(2), 107–125. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052015000200007