Published: 2023-12-28

Implicit Theories Underlying Questions Asked in Early Childhood Classrooms

Fabiola Georgina Molina-Hernández, María de la Luz Marqués-Rosa, Macarena Belén Angulo-Carmona


Change and social recomposition in elite universities and programs in Chile (2009-2019)

Juan Pablo Valenzuela, Danilo Kuzmanic, Cristóbal Villalobos, María Luisa Quaresma


Technical and technological elements linked to digital competence in Political Communication postgraduate courses in Latin America

Paulo Carlos López-López, Andrea del Carmen Mila-Maldonado, Ángel Torres-Toukoumidis, Juan Arturo Mila-Maldonado


Resilience in the subjectivities of visual arts teachers in Chile

Rosario García-Huidobro-Munita, Francisca Viveros-Reyes


Methodological procedure for the integration of Information Technologies and their evaluation by means of a quasi-experiment

Oliurca Padilla-García, Niurka de las Mercedes González-Acosta, Yusely Pérez-García, Martín Cano-Contreras


Use of tools of Imaginative Education to improve engagement in the university classroom

Luis Vargas-Mendoza, Rocío Ruiz-Rodarte, Verónica Tena-Jiménez, Francisco Javier Sandoval-Palafox


Didactic resource for the teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Education: a systematic review

Manuela Raposo-Rivas, Laia Francina Tugores-Blanco, Fernando Tellado-González
