Published: 2020-12-10

Critical reading and reflective thinking in the pedagogical practice of secondary school teachers

Annie Julieth Álvarez Maestre, Miryan Teresa Mendoza Meza, Lida Mercedes Moreno Rozo, José Joan Garavito Patiño


Formative dimensions of the Practicum of Elementary Education

Michelle Mendoza, Norma Drouilly, Carmen Gloria Covarrubias


Online Self-regulated Learning Questionnaire (OSLQ): study of validity and reliability of the Spanish versión

Cecilia Pinto Santubera, Rodrigo Ortiz Salgado, Carmen Luz Muñoz Mendoza, Miguel Yáñez Alvarado, Patricia Letelier Sanza


End of shared financing and the School Admission System: mourning of strata

Manuel Canales, Fabián Guajardo, Víctor Orellana, Cristián Bellei, Mariana Contreras


School life problems from the perspective of secondary education students

Martha Leticia Gaeta González, Valentín Martínez Otero Pérez, Maximiliano Rodrigo Vega, Manuel Rodrigo Gómez
