Published: 2021-06-28

Academic performance in higher education students with Attention Deficit Disorder

Valeria Jimena Sepúlveda Bernales, Valeria Fernanda Espina Araneda


Pedagogical standards and their integration in the formative projects of teaching programs

Alejandro Verdugo Peñaloza, José Tejada Fernández, Antoni Navío Gámez


Intention of student behavior related to the sustainable development goals, based on the theory of planned behavior

José Luis Silva Munar, Carlos Galleguillos Cortés, Rubén Hurtado Cailly, Aníbal Saavedra Godoy


The co-teaching from inclusive approaches for the teams of the School Integration Program

Carlos Roberto Arriagada Hernández, Lorena Jara Tomckowiack, Oscar Ovidio Calzadilla Pérez


Socio-academic predictors of the Study Engagement in engineering first year students

Jorge Maluenda Albornoz, Mg., Marcela Varas Contreras, Ms., Marcia Riffo Ferrada, Alejandro Díaz Mujica, Dr.


Premises for teaching of oral expression in Chile

Claudia Rosas, Edith Andrade, Alejandra Cárdenas, Jorge Sommerhoff


Formative processes of the Wayuu community in higher education: between the ancestor and modernity

Gilberto Bonilla Sánchez, Roberto Alonso Cardona Ospina, Dénix Alberto Rodríguez Torres


Save our palnet: prospective analysis with 150 children, girls, and adolescents from Chile about on the environmental education of the future

Gabriel Prosser Bravo, Sonia Pérez Tello, Marcela Pérez Lienqueo, Carlos Prosser González, Soledad Salazar Sepúlveda


Rubric to evaluate a curriculum design under the socioformative approach

Angélica Crespo Cabuto, Sonia Verónica Mortis Lozoya, Sergio de Jesús Tobón Tobón, Sergio Raúl Herrera Meza


The peace chair as an axis of social development in the post-conflict era

Kodalys Toro Osorio, Tulio Amaya De Armas, Carmen Romero Zúñiga


Pedagogical model of holistic environmental formation in the students of pedagogical careers in the area of Natural Sciences in Cuba

Yunior Ramón Velázquez Labrada, Eumelia Victoria Romero Pacheco, Oscar Sigas Costafreda, Mayelin Pérez Benitez


Clinical Law Teaching and Learning (CLTL) - Research: integration for legal education

Jorge Eduardo Vásquez Santamaría, Ángela María Restrepo Jaramillo, Mg.


Symbolic Violence in Teaching Work

Pamela Barría Herrera, Christian Miranda Jaña, María Isabel Toledo Jofré


Analysis of the determinants of academic performance. The case of Auditor Accountant of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso

Hanns de la Fuente Mella, Mercedes Marzo Navarro, Carmen Berne Manero, Marta Pedraja Iglesias, Camila González Huenuman
